C-60 & Copyright

Should bill C-60, a Canadian law about copyright, be interpreted such that I cannot give away copyrighted music to anyone, not even my friends ? I find this a highly alarming threat to my privacy and an incentive to advocate to others that Canada is limiting the freedom of its citizens too much only for the benefit of corporate interests. As a consumer with no commercial objective I want to be able to do as I please with goods that I purchase.

Note that to give away this music I need to do an effort (setup and maintain a computer, copy CDs, etc.), and use resources (computers, internet connection bandwidth, CDs, etc.), yet I do not gain financially so there is enough room for commercial entities to make this music available in an economically feasible way.

Hence it follows that it is only necessary to codify in the law that it should not be possible for anyone to gain financially from giving away copyrighted music, eg. by earning from advertising on a website where music can be downloaded from or by giving away music as a promotional tool or as part of a product.

Compare with a website that allows users to give away used computer gear. Should it be illegal because the manufacturers of those products still have a claim to ownership of these products in some way or form ?

I do not appreciate being spied upon by some cop in a digital form only because I want to share what (I think) I own. I certainly do not want to pay tax for such cops. Even less appealing is the thought that some private detective is monitoring my actions on the internet or at home wrt. my music.

Note that a copyrighted work only exists because it infringes on the public domain, by using sounds, harmonic structures, chord sequences, performance techniques, phrases etc. etc. that were created by others who in many cases have not been compensated for their contribution to the body of music.

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